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Team Love and Big Team CIC – Privacy Notice for Recruitment

The purpose of this privacy notice is to make all job applicants aware of how and why we collect and use your personal information, both during and after a job application process.
As part of any recruitment process, Team Love collects and processes personal data relating to job applicants. Our organisation is committed to the security and privacy of your personal data, being transparent about how it collects and uses that data and to meeting its data protection obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

What information do we collect?
We collect a range of information from you. This includes:

  • Your name, address and contact details, including email address and telephone number;

  • Details of your relevant qualifications, skills, experience and employment history;

  • Whether or not the organisation needs to make reasonable adjustments during the recruitment process;

  • Information about your entitlement to work in the UK; and equal opportunities monitoring information, including information about your ethnic origin, sexual orientation, health and religion or belief

  • We collect this information in a variety of ways. For example, data might be contained in application forms, CVs or collected through interviews or other forms of assessment. We may also collect personal data about you from third parties, such as references supplied by former employers, information from employment background check providers including information from criminal records checks. We will only seek information from third parties once a provisional job offer to you has been made and will inform you that we are doing so.

Your data will be stored in HR management systems and on the or email, during the recruitment process, unless you have requested otherwise.

Why do we process personal data?
Team Love and Big Team will not use your data for any purpose other than recruitment.
The collected data will be used solely for the selection process. This process may include the following:

  • Reference checks;

  • Verification of the data given;

  • Assessment of the qualifications and skills needed to perform the job you are applying for;

  • Communication concerning the process (e-mails, phone calls, SMS messages, WhatsApp); and fulfilling legal regulations e.g. we are required to check a successful applicant’s eligibility to work in the UK before employment starts.

  • Team Love has a legitimate interest in processing personal data during the recruitment process and for keeping records of the process. Processing data from job applicants allows us to manage the recruitment process, assess and confirm a candidate’s suitability for each role and to decide to whom to offer a job.

We also need to process your data so as to perform any contract of employment with you.
We may also need to process data from job applicants to respond to and defend against legal claims.

Who has access to data?
Your information will be shared internally for the purposes of the recruitment exercise. This includes members of the HR department, interviewers involved in the recruitment process and managers in the department with a vacancy.
We will not share your data with third parties, unless your application for employment is successful and we make you an offer of employment. We may share your data with prospective employers if your application is for a Big Team CIC managed role.

How do we protect data?
Team Love takes the security of your data seriously. Where your data is held in paper or other manual form, the default period for retaining data has expired and none of the exceptions for retaining data beyond the default period is satisfied, the Company will ensure the data is shredded or otherwise confidentially disposed of.
Where data is held in an electronic format the Company will where feasible use its reasonable endeavors to:
put the data beyond use so that the data is no longer on a live electronic system and cannot be accessed other than the Data Controller
ensure individuals within the Company do not and will not attempt to access the data or use the data in any way.
surround the data with such technical and security measures to ensure it is not accessible
permanently delete the data from the Company electronic systems when and where this becomes possible

How long do we keep data?
If your application for employment is unsuccessful, the organisation will hold your data on file for 12 months in case there are any potential employment opportunities. If your application for employment is successful, data gathered during the recruitment process will be transferred to your staff file and retained during your employment.
If your application was unsuccessful and you would like your data completely taken off the system, please email or, depending on how you applied, and we can accommodate this for you.

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